Thursday, February 19, 2009

A New Beginning???

Dear reader,

That is highly unlikely, out of a mere whim driven by boredom I created this blog, maybe to share a little of my life with everyone but most likely just for my amusement.

And if it was a new beginning I would become religious. However I was instead rudely awakened to the fact that Year 12 is only going to get much worse. And much more hectic.

Year 12 huh?... Time has flashed by so fast, I feel like only a short amount of time has passed yet 5 years has come and gone. I've consistently flunked Maths in every year so that may have contributed to the timelessness. But its been so fast, a single year left to regularly enjoy the company of my friends.

I guess its time for me to haul myself through this last year of High School so I can walk out of the school grounds and my high school life with my head held high and with no regrets.

That's all for tonight.

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